Hire Glocal’slove for the community enables us to create a real and long-lasting social change. As a top Placement and Recruitment Consultancy, we continuously contribute to the community that has helped shape us into who we are.
Hire Glocalis aware of the need of the hour and encourages a healthy social culture. Our team has made it a point to confront the social concerns that surround us with zeal since the day we began our venture.
Let’s examine what the World Bank’s Global Nutrition Report (GNR) 2016 states:
India ranks 97th out of 118 nations on the Hunger Index.
There are 180 million undernourished Indians, mostly children.
48% of children under the age of five are affected by stunting in the nation.
Anemia affects over 60% of the population, and 70% do not consume even half of the daily required micronutrients.
Micronutrient Insufficiency:
The phrase “hidden hunger” is occasionally used to describe micronutrient deficiency. It indicates that children’s intake of essential minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin A, Zinc, and Folate, is less than the minimum required for a healthy body. Micronutrient insufficiency has long-term consequences, which include the following:
The body's natural growth is hampered
A Weak Immune System
Insufficient Energy Levels
Impaired Cognitive Abilities
Financial Aid
Hire Glocalunderstands that a financial crisis can be a big obstacle in reaching your ambitions. As a result, we step out of our way and set aside a budget to allow necessary financial demands to be addressed.
Financial Assistance to a Mumbai Based NGO:
Since 2018, our Co-Founder, CEO, and Managing Director, Priyanka Biyani, has been anonymously providing a Mumbai-based NGO with a sizeable sum each month to help them carry out their regular operations. The sum helps them to satisfy their necessities, such as paying daily wages to daily workers, covering different costs, and purchasing necessary supplies.
Financial Assistance to our Employees:
It is our employees that work tirelessly to guarantee that Hire Glocalcontinues to stand out. As a result, we feel it is our responsibility to stand by them in times of need, ensuring that their requirements are satisfied without jeopardizing their mental health. As a result, we give financial assistance to our employees. We have come across about 12 of these situations since the beginning of 2018 and have helped our employees by providing financial support as and when necessary.
Hire Glocal believes that knowledge can educate the globe while also elevating ourselves and others around us. As a result, we try to do our part in emphasizing the right to education.
Education for Children:
We pay for the academic and other expenditures of three of our front-line workers’ children.
Animal Care
Animals, while sometimes ignored, require love and care as well. We at Hire Glocalparticipate in animal welfare programs in the same way that we do for human welfare.
Donation of fodder to Mumbai Cowsheds:
Our founders and staff members at Hire Glocaldonate fodder for the well-being of cows at various cowsheds across the city.